Burst Or Leaking Pipe? Use A Roll Wheel To Fix It

Industrial & Manufacturing Blog

Having leaking or burst pipes in your home can be a major problem if they aren't fixed immediately. One of the quickest ways to fix them is to use a roll wheel welder. This will help you prepare a new length of pipe that will fit easily, and snugly, where your old pipe used to fit.

Symptoms Of A Leaking Pipe

If you are having problems with your water and suspect you have a leaking pipe, perform this simple check:

  • Run water through your sink and flush your toilet
  • Position people through the home to listen for dripping water, including in the basement
  • Watch pipes to wait for a leak, which may be small or large
  • Look at the spot where the pipe is leaking to check it for damage

Once you have identified the leak, rub your hands across the surface. Is the pipe burst or is there just a piece of metal worn away? The exact cause is important, as it will help you decide the next step. A completely burst pipe needs to be cut out and a new length installed via a roll wheel welder.

Why A Roll Wheel Is Your Best Best

When it comes to welding pipes, a roll wheel set for roll wheeling, such as those at Roly, is your best bet. Why? Roll wheels are designed to weld pipes in a simple, but effective, manner. Just think of the length of your pipe as a circle around which the wheel welder will move. There are four pipe welding positions, including:

  • Horizontal Rolled
  • Horizontal Fixed
  • Vertical
  • Inclined

You will use these positions depending on the location of your pipe. For example, if a vertical pipe has burst in your home, vertical welding will be necessary. Thankfully, a roll wheel welder can manage this type of weld without a problem. When welding, make sure that you use an I beam (a jig for aligning and holding your pipe) to ensure that your pipe remains solidly in place.

Repairing The Pipe

After identifying the burst section of pipe, use a power saw with a metal-cutting blade to make cuts on each side of the break. The cuts should go all the way through the pipe and should be positioned about a foot from each side. This creates a two-foot section of pipe that you can then remove and throw away. Now, use your saw to cut a new length of pipe that is the length of the pipe you just removed.

Place this new section of pipe where the broken section was located and use your roll wheel to completely weld the pipe in place. This will require having somebody hold the pipe in place on each side to allow you to apply the roll wheeler to the section. Try to let the bead of the weld to bulge up slightly, so that the pipe will be completely sealed.

Now wait at least 15 minutes or so for the weld to hold, and then run water through the pipe and watch for any leaks. Areas with leaks can be re-welded to seal. Make sure to double-check the newly welded pipe regularly to make sure it shows no sign of wear.


26 October 2016

What You Should Know About Industrial Refrigeration

Many different businesses use industrial refrigeration. Whether you own a bakery, a restaurant, a day care center or other facility where people gather, you need to know what industrial refrigeration is all about. My name is Tara, and I am an expert in industrial refrigeration. I can walk you through the process of determining what your refrigeration needs are, how you can get a good deal on refrigeration equipment and how you can properly care for and maintain your appliances. Industrial refrigeration is different from refrigeration you may use at home, and it makes sense to educate yourself before you spend a great deal of money. Let me tell you how.