It's In The Pipes: Troubleshooting Your Commercial Air Compressor

Industrial & Manufacturing Blog

Many industrial and manufacturing processes require access to compressed air. Installing a single commercial-grade air compressor with the ability to service your entire warehouse can be a beneficial way to deliver compressed air to the various workstations that need it. Unfortunately, a poorly-designed compression system can wreak havoc on your company's production numbers. Looking at your compressor's pipe system can be the key to solving your air problems.

Here are three potential ways in which the pipes could be negatively affecting your air compressor's performance.

1. Low pressure at the far end of your warehouse.

When workstations at the far end of your warehouse are experiencing low air pressure, you may be tempted to install a more powerful air compressor. Before incurring this expense, you should take the time to examine the pipes delivering air to these far workstations to determine if the problem is with the pipes and not the air compressor itself.

Often pipes that are too small in diameter are installed to deliver compressed air throughout a warehouse. These small pipes can restrict airflow, causing low pressure at the end of the lines. Increasing the diameter of your pipes may solve your air delivery problems for far less than it would cost to replace the air compressor.

2. Increased energy costs.

When your company's energy bills increase, you may feel that a faulty air compressor is to blame. Before you invest in a costly replacement unit, take a minute to examine the design of your air compressor's system.

One common reason that energy costs increase in a warehouse is fast-cycling of the air compressor. This occurs when an air compressor is putting out more compressed air than it can replenish in a timely manner. The compressor shuts on and off quickly to try to meet the demand, and this rapid-fire action is known as fast-cycling.

By adding a storage tank to your pipe system, you can eliminate fast-cycling and the costly energy draws associated with this process.

3. Contaminated air being delivered.

The compressed air being delivered through your warehouse's pipe system should be clean. When this air becomes contaminated, it's easy to blame the air compressor itself. You should realize that the contamination could be coming from the pipes themselves.

When air is compressed, moisture is created. This moisture can accumulate along the interior surface of your delivery pipes and lead to corrosion. Corrosive contaminants enter the compressed air as it flows through the pipes. Replacing your pipes with ones made from a corrosion-resistant material (like stainless steel) can be beneficial in solving your air quality problems.

Be sure that you know how to troubleshoot your commercial air compressor's pipe system to keep your warehouse functioning at maximum capacity. Check out the site here for more information.


25 October 2016

What You Should Know About Industrial Refrigeration

Many different businesses use industrial refrigeration. Whether you own a bakery, a restaurant, a day care center or other facility where people gather, you need to know what industrial refrigeration is all about. My name is Tara, and I am an expert in industrial refrigeration. I can walk you through the process of determining what your refrigeration needs are, how you can get a good deal on refrigeration equipment and how you can properly care for and maintain your appliances. Industrial refrigeration is different from refrigeration you may use at home, and it makes sense to educate yourself before you spend a great deal of money. Let me tell you how.